CIRSES - Centro di Iniziativa e di Ricerca sul Sistema Educativo e Scientifico ETS (Initiative and Research Centre on the Education and Scientific Systems) was established in October 1980.
CIRSES aims at studying the Italian and European Education and Training Systems. Over time, the Centre has carried out many important initiatives and research studies, which played a significant role in the Italian debate on School-related issues:
- Research on School Drop Out
- Private Schools in Europe
- Gender-based Stereotypes in Textbooks and training tools
- Bullying and discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation
- Inclusion in Education
- Learning by Skills
Starting from 2009, CIRSES planned and developed, as coordinator and Partner, several projects funded under European Programs and National Actions.
Main projects carried out:
2009-2011 – Leonardo da Vinci-TOI – “EURIALO - LEarning and gUidance tools against discRIminAtion: respect for alL different sexual chOices and cultural identities”, aimed to a) Fighting against discrimination based on sexual diversity and ethnic origin b) Increasing the awareness, guiding, and training people operating in the school and training systems; training of psycho-social workers and raising their awareness of problems relating to discrimination based on sexual orientation and choices and ethnic diversity.
2009-2011 – Leonardo da Vinci-TOI “RELOAD - laboratories for REcovery and deepening of Learning Or Aimed at Deconstructive/transitional approaches to students’ vocational guidance”, aimed to realize prototypes of laboratorial activities to be tested in different national and transnational contexts in order to improve the actions of accompaniment and vocational guidance for teenagers, from 14 to 18 years of age, put in action in the different contexts.
2012-2014 – Leonardo da Vinci-TOI “ FromIdeaToEnterprise ”, aimed to transfer the ResEUr training and certification program which covers all the key aspects that are associated with essential considerations upfront the process of the creation of a new enterprise, as well as with boosting the innovation power of existing companies.
2011- 2013 - Leonardo da Vinci-TOI “Work-Harmony - Organizational Model and Methodology for Promoting the Conciliation of Worker’s Professional and Personal Lives in Enterprise”, aimed to transfer and implement of organization of labour and social facilities, encouraging the conciliation of work and family life, starting from the Spanish Good Practice IMPLANTA
2012-2014 – Leonardo da Vinci-TOI "SKillsUP - Enhancing of teachers and trainers in developing, improving and evaluating key competences and soft skills for students' and trainers' success and mobility in the labour market", based on the results of the project “Competencies for the Labour Market”, which consist of a set of training tools and methodologies concerning 14 basic soft skills and competences for trainers and teachers.
2014 – 2016 – ERASMUS+ " Diversities@Work . Reducing LGBT Discrimination and Improving Diversity at Work. Counselling and Training Tools for Enterprises", which starting from the previous EURIALO intends to propose a readjustment of the tools and methods of the original product, addressing them to HR experts, business consultants, entrepreneurs so that they can acquire the skills needed to introduce or improve policies and practices of LGBT Diversity in the workplace.
2015 – 2017 – ERASMUS+ "HORSE. Riding in Special Education for autistic children", Erasmus+ project submitted by the Greek School Ergastirio eidikis epagelmatikis ekpaidefsis kai katartisis Serron. The proposal, is focused on the inclusion and socialisation of children with autism and Asperger syndrome through the use of therapeutic horse riding.
2017 - 2018 - Ministry of Education - “ We-MApp . The illustrious women of the territory. Through the streets of Pomezia, Ardea, Anzio and Nettuno ”. The project, funded by MIUR as part of the Notice "National School Day - DM 663 Art. 6", planned and written by CIRSES for / with the Liceo Classico e Scientifico "B. Pascal ”in Pomezia, addressed the issue of female toponymy as a place of active citizenship and recognition of the value of women in all areas of knowledge. The main objective of the project was to make work students, together with the teachers, of some primary and secondary schools of the territorial area 16 of Lazio, to discover and rediscover female figures of literature, science , of the arts, to which streets, squares, public spaces of the municipalities of Pomezia, Ardea, Anzio and Nettuno are named or could be named, helping them to unveil and deconstruct, together with experts in gender issues and of toponymy and teachers, gender stereotypes hidden behind the apparent neutrality of knowledge and teaching.
2018 – UNAR (National Office for Racial Anti-Discrimination) - “LIBER@DI ESSERE. Training Path on LGBT + diversity for psycho-socio-health workers". Written and presented by CIRSES and funded under the UNAR Notice for the promotion of positive actions carried out by associations and bodies referred to in art. 6 of the legislative decree 9 July 2003, n. 215 and aimed at combating discrimination (APAD), the project was carried out by a partnership made up of AGEDO, Libellula Association, Rainbow Families Association, “Mario Mieli” Homosexual Culture Circle, METAFORA Institute, New European Association for Arts Therapies. It produced and provided about 300 participants, through 7 courses held in Rome, Latina, Perugia and Bari, a modular training course, which can also be used free of charge online from the website, aimed at psycho-socio-health operators on the subject LGBT +, created with tools and methodologies capable of both strengthening theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on homosexuality and transsexuality, and of affecting the attitudes and prejudices that can interfere with the relationship with patients / users, both adults and adolescents, LGBT + who seek psychological support or need health care. More information on the website
2018 - 2019 – ERASMUS+ Mobility “MOB4.DIGI.COMP Student mobility for 4.0 Digital Competences in manufacturing”, aimed at strengthening the technical and linguistic skills of specific production sectors, but also at promoting transversal skills related to interculturality. CIRSES was the creator partner of the project intended for students of upper secondary schools located in Arezzo and in the Middle Tiber Valley with specific reference to addresses that form professional skills that can be spent in the manufacturing sector (goldsmith and ceramics), or study courses related to Design of product (jewelery / ceramic), 3D modeling, Chemistry and materials, Electronics, electrical engineering and automation, Graphics, audiovisuals, multimedia, Marketing. The project carried out in 2018-2019-2020, involved: 100 STUDENTS attending the III IV classes of Technical and Professional Institutes and Artistic High Schools in the territory of the Arezzo and Umbrian province who were able to carry out training experiences abroad (UK, PT, ES D, F, IRL) lasting 35 days; 35 NEWS / QUALIFIED. Young people who have obtained, for no more than 12 months, an FP qualification or a diploma related to the above addresses, who have been able to carry out training experiences abroad (DE, UK, PT, ES D, F, IE, M, NL) lasting 92 days.
2018 – 2019 – Lazio Region - “RI-GUARDO Thoughts and installations against sexual and gender-based violence”, presented by the Il Cortile Association in co-planning with CIRSES as part of the Public Notice of the Lazio Region Generiamo Parità. Projects for the prevention and fight against gender-based violence pursuant to dgr n.500 of 2017. CIRSES had the role of support partner, providing its professional figures for the coordination of activities and for the implementation of information meetings with teachers and students of participating schools. The project, aimed at teachers, students and parents of first and second grade secondary schools, has proposed a path that, through figures such as psychologists-psychotherapists and experts in education with young people and adults, has worked on different aspects related to gender violence: the representation of oneself as male or female, the gender role, sexist stereotypes, sexist language, the body and its representations in the media, in social networks, in advertising. The final outcome of the project was the creation and representation / installation of works, created by the students themselves, capable of transmitting effective messages on the theme of gender-based violence, messages that can reach the public on a cognitive, rational level, but also and above all on the emotional and metacognitive level.
2019 - 2020 – Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Municipality of Rome - “GET UP”. The GET UP (Young Transformative Experiences of Social Utility and Participation) project was promoted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies and by the Municipalities benefiting from resources from the National Childhood and Adolescence Fund established by Law 285/97. The GET UP project was also carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, University and Research and with the Istituto degli Innocenti and was born from the need to deepen and develop a more careful reflection on adolescence by promoting new models intervention aimed at children of this age group. Among the Municipalities that have joined GET UP is the Municipality of Rome - Department for Social Policies which, in March 2019, issued a public notice for the selection of "facilitators" able to support the objectives of the project developed by the boys, accompanying them in its realization. The Municipality of Rome has entrusted CIRSES with the task of assuming the role of facilitator for 4 schools in Rome.
2020 – 2022 – UNAR - “IDENTIT@ NARRATE. Archives as a memory heritage of the path of LGBT + rights”. The initiative, designed and coordinated as leader by CIRSES, was carried out together with the LGBT + AGEDO, LIBELLULA, ARCOBALENO FAMILIES and RAINBOW PARENTS 'associations. IDENTIT @ NARRATE proposes to safeguard and enhance materials of various types (manuscripts, correspondence, books, photographs, images, posters, films ...) by mapping and censoring the documentary heritage of the archives of LGBT + Associations, integrating this heritage with personal documents of militants, members / and founders , supporters / girls gathered during a life of activism through which to bring back fragments of history that can be useful to tell the path and evolution of civil rights (see
2021 – UNAR - “LIBER@DI FARE IMPRESA. Training Path to encourage the development of life projects and self -employment of Trans people". The initiative, designed by CIRSES with the collaboration of the OdV Libellula (which was the lead partner) and CORA ROMA Onlus, has created an information course on self-entrepreneurship aimed at encouraging the development of skills and abilities (hard and soft) as broad as possible, aimed at the personal and professional growth of Trans people (see ).
Finally, 2 important projects in progress are to be mentioned:
“FEEL FREE T@BE Training path on LGBT+ issues for socio-psycho-healthcare operators”, a European project funded under the "REC - Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program”, aimed at promoting gender equality and preventing discriminatory behaviors and attitudes towards LGBT + people in relation to public psycho-social health services. CIRSES conceived the project, whose lead partner is LAZIOCREA, and plays the role of scientific coordinator of the preparation and delivery of training activities. The project started in January 2021 and will end in December 2022.
“WELCOME4RAINBOW”, project funded by UNAR. The initiative, designed by CIRSES and "Mario Mieli" Homosexual Culture Circle, which plays the role of leader, aims to create a reception and support service center to combat discrimination and violence against LGBT + people who, by developing experiences gained through the Rainbow Line of Circolo Mario Mieli, an association active for over 37 years in the Roman territory, and thanks to the complementary skills of the Partners CIRSES, OdV Libellula, Lenford Network Advocacy for LGBTI rights, CORA ROMA Onlus and AVI - Agency for Independent Life, can concretely help LGBT + people, in consideration of their needs and specificities and their social relationships with respect to citizenship and the community of the territory. The Project started in April 2022 and will end in March 2023.
Further information:
From the 2013 the CIRSES is signed up to the Register UNAR of the Associations and entities that carry out activities aimed to fighting discrimination under of the art. 6, paragraph 2, of the Decree Legislative 9 July 2003 n. 215.
Currently CIRSES sits to the Table of permanent consultation for promotion of the rights and protection of LGBT+ people. The Table has been set up by UNAR, in particular by the Minister for the Equal Opportunities Prof. Elena Bonetti.